
Honey or Tar

04, junio 2012

I undressed you with my eyes I have. Maybe even raped you. In a dark and eerie corner of my mind. I tucked you there. And touched you in a dream last night. Pushed you aside when you entered. My thoughts at the wrong time. I have sat up upon your lap and. Saddled my thighs around your hips like ropes. I rode you on a chair and in the shower. And all the while I clung heavy to your back. My desire deeply harnessed in your spine. While I squeezed you like a tree trunk. You may have been one. Sexless and comfort in your mind. Even barer than a child’s. I’m riding recklessly through a thick and humid. Jungle growing anxious with the deep and primal. Yearning that stirs. Deeply pulsing up toward the surface. Like sap rising or honey or tar.

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